- free to use virtual waiting room for video consultations in any setting

Hi all,

The team have worked flat out for the past 2 weeks to put together Rooms. Just go to

Rooms is a simple tool designed to allow for a virtual waiting room where patients can be directed to ‘check into’ whilst they wait for their doctor to begin the video consultation.

There is no app to download, no mobile number needed, no log in restriction and can be used in any setting by any health professional.

This is a free product which doesn’t require you to be a GP practice or NHS body.

There are many settings who cannot use the currently available video consultation tools out there.

Those who could benefit from this could be:

Independent sector
Unusual care settings GP-staffed cottage hospitals
Rural care settings

NHSx have lifted IG barriers (even though we are of course compliant) and this is something your outpatient departments could be using now, today.


Please do try it out, feedback to us and together let’s make a difference today.



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